Monday, February 29, 2016

We are nuts.

Well hello friends!

This week literally almost all of our appointments fell through. Kill me.

It is pretty hard. But it was still really great week.

Tuesday we went to Charlene's house. We helped her transplant her George's. George is a big aloe vera plant, Who had lots of babies. 30 of them to be exact. So I put them in different pots for the relief society sisters. Now we have six George's. Four of them are just little teeny baby George's. We're killing them. I don't know how you kill an aloe Vera plant. We literally aren't doing anything to it. Oh well hopefully it will live. Charlene thinks that they are just traumatized from being transplanted And that they will be OK eventually.

That night we were at a members house for dinner and they have a really long driveway. So when I was backing out I backed out into a snowbank. That was ice. It got stuck. So The members come out to help and we call the elders and they start digging in the snow and after 45 minutes we got unstuck. It takes true talent to get that stuck. That's what I keep telling myself anyways.

Wednesday I witnessed my very first real life Ice storm. We have to drive to Bangor chapel that day which is about a 45 minute drive. Then we had to drive another 45 minutes to get to the Newport Chapel for zone meeting. The roads were scary. But we were OK. Because I literally was driving 30 miles an hour the whole way there.

So zone meeting was SO GOOD! The spirit was so strong. We made a wumbo plan. if you don't know what wumbo is, go watch SpongeBob. One of the elders there said something really awesome he said "I can't brag about my love for God because I will fail him, I'm in perfect, but one thing I can brag about is His love for me because it is unfailing."

During lunch the whole zone played the game "never have I ever." If you don't know what that game is you need to go to girls camp. It got pretty crazy it was so much fun. I really get to serve with the coolest missionaries.

Saturday we got to go to the cow farm again. Sister Hoopes was so funny. She was like freaking out the whole time because she was so excited to feed the cows. It's pretty fun we got to bottlefeed a little baby cow, she was so white and fluffy!! She didn't like being fed, but we need to feed her or else she would, you know, die. So I had to hold her down while sister Hoopes shoved the bottle down her throat. The baby cow didn't like that too much, but after she realized that she wasn't hungry anymore then she liked us again.

Sunday MIRACLES happen. Three less actives came to church. Two of them I thought would probably never ever come back. Oh me, a little faith. But that game! It was so awesome. We also had dinner that night with sister Haskins and her granddaughter Alexa. They are literally the coolest people ever, I was laughing so hard the whole dinner.

The weather here in Maine is awful. You never know what you're going to get. Maine does not have four seasons. They have 8 seasons. The first one is winter, then winter thaw, then -20° winter, then mud season, blackfly season, then summer, then deadly sticky humid season, then fall, then autumn leaves season, then back to winter. It's pretty crazy here I can understand why everybody is completely nuts. Because I'm going completely nuts. Poor sister Hoopes, actually poor sister Dickson, because sister Hoopes is legit going crazy too. We are a couple of wack jobs, Who have no idea what they're doing that keep backing up into snowbanks.

Well I guess it is time for my spiritual thought. I know you all are so lucky.

Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty dirty part of our society.


2 Nephi 15:20, 23 "Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! ... Who justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!"

God has given us the black and white. We know what's right and wrong. But we as our silly lazy human selfs make that gray area.

I feel like this is something that I have been having to learn a lot about this week. Even justifying the little things is just not ok. Doing the things that God wants us to do will bring us happiness even if "it's not what we want". When in reality we don't know what we want, He does. We just need to just stop getting in the way of our own happiness. And by we and definitely mean me also.

So be like a primary child and sing "choose the right when a choice is placed before you!"

Can I get an AMEN?


Bye guys have a great week!
Sister Dickson

Never thought I would get to call 911 on my mission

Well I never thought I would almost die so many times in one week.

Tuesday it was POURING rain. Cats and dogs, goats and fish, puddles and puddles raining everywhere. We were in Dover that night for our Book of Mormon study class we do when we were driving home a tree almost fell on us. But don't worry it missed. Then a tree fell in front of us so we took a picture. Then when we had to drive over the bridge that was flooded it was like we were Moses parting the sea. Whoosh!

The roads were so icy and muddy and crazy all week.

Saturday the Elders had a baptism so we went to that then we all had dinner at the branch presidents home. Well I thought I knew how to get there so I didn't put it in the GPS. Well, you could guess what happened...

We went the wrong way

But we did not get lost!!

It was pouring rain that night and it was very cold.

So when we pulled into a road to turn around I was kind of caught off guard when we see this truck that's stuck in a ditch. Being my good natured loving self I started driving towards the truck to see if we could help.

I realized after we slowly starting sliding down the hill that it probably wasn't a good idea. Then we came to a stop, so I jumped out of the car and almost fell on my face. That road was a legit ice rink. So the kid in the truck is stuck in the ditch (who refuses to accept help from us) and there is another car stuck at the top of the hill. So we start driving to the other car and its Sister Sandra Harmon, who is the grandmother of the Noah Harmon, who was the one who just got baptized that night. She couldn't make it up the hill to get to her house and she forgot her cell phone. So she told me to call 911 and tell them to get a sand truck to that road so she could make it home.

So I can now say I have had to call 911 on my mission!!

Haha I do realize that I probably just about gave 95% of you a heart attack. But no worries guys! Our jeep is a beast and has like the best tires known to man. Plus God is totally protecting us. And I have some good stories now. I wasn't scared at all because I know that God was watching out for us.

I knew where the branch presidents house was, I guess I was just meant to get lost so I could help Sister Harmon. Sometimes God does work in mysterious ways.

Well anyways this week has been really good. We did a lot of teaching and stayed pretty busy all week. We were at the Gushue's (who are some less actives) and were teaching their grandsons a lesson (they aren't members) and the 10 year old grandson just is begging us for a Book of Mormon. We were like.. I mean if we have too. It was so cool! That kid is awesome!

Haha Ashley cracks me up. She went to Noah's baptism and the whole time she was talking about how she wants an apostle to baptize her and she wants to get baptized in her wedding dress. Hahah it's been an interesting week..

Well I guess I could share my spiritual thought now.

So remembering me talking about God working on mysterious ways? I definitely know that God answered Sister Harmon's prayer by having us get lost and find her. He loves us all so much and he will always answers prayers. Even if it's in a weird way that we might not understand.

Alma 9:26 And not many days hence the Son of God shall come in his glory; and his glory shall be the glory of the Only Begotten of the Father, full of grace, equity, and truth, full of patience, mercy, and long-suffering, quick to hear the cries of his people and to answer their prayers.

I know with a surety that God hears and answers prayers. This church is so true!! It's awesome!
I love you all so much!!
Have a safe week!
And a happy day
Sister Dickson

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Shooting some Hoopes! 🏀

Oh my this week has been such an adventure. Sister Hoopes is so freaking fun! She is crazy it is such a blast!!

Tuesday was really hard saying goodbye to Sister Jensen. But it was ok because she has great things to do in her new area. I just knew Sister Hoopes and I were going to get along. And we do. She is literally so funny.

Wednesday was district meeting and oh my, the missionaries in this new district are a hoot.mits going to be a very fun transfer I can tell. We drove around all day and went and had lessons with the members and introduced Sister Hoopes to everyone.

Thursday Charlene did like the nicest thing ever. After our lesson she goes into the back room and comes out with this huge box full of cereal and homemade bread, toilet paper, napkins, fruits, veggies, crackers, treats, muffin mix, literally like enough food to last us 3 weeks. I just almost started bawling because I just love the Williams family so much. They have done so much for us missionaries and they just keep giving and giving. They are so stinking awesome! Last Monday our washer broke so we don't have a washer anymore and Charlene offered to let us use her washer and dryer and we can go hang with her and help her make bread and such. Haha gosh she is just so awesome!! I love them. They are all such answers to our prayers.

Saturday the Leemans, aka my favorite, invited us over to the Legions veterans baked bean dinner. It was so fun being there with a bunch of old veterans talking about hunting bears and moose and turkeys. Ya know, just your typical Mainiac conversation. Sister Leeman cracks me up because she is not shy about anything. She goes up to this one guy and is like "you need to listen to these girls. Thats why they are here. Why don't you just listen to what they have to say, the will make your life better! They make my life better!" Hahah I was laughing so hard that poor dude looked like he just wanted to hide under the table. But he ended up talking to us and we mopped the floors! When we offered to mop they wouldn't believe us. They thought we were kidding. But we weren't! So we just started mopping. They said we were crazy.
They are right. Haha but now half the town of Milo loves us so that's cool!

Sunday it was FREEZING. FREEZING COLD. Like I don't even understand why people would want to live in such miserable weather! It got to -32 degrees with the windchill. I just really was not ok with that weather. It felt like my bones were icicles. Apparently it's supposed to get up to the 50s this week. Maine weather is so weird I just don't even know how to handle it.

I got so many cute valentines from Branch members. It was so nice of them to think of me. We had lunch with the Atwater family and they had the table decorated all pink and lovey. It was the best thing ever. I have a pic so I will send it! Sister call gave us yummy sugar cookies. And Tyler gave me and owl chocolate. Haha Man, I just love all the members here. They know me so well.

So time for my spiritual thought!!
It's all about trusting in God. Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding."
Easier said then done. But let me give you an example. So on Wednesday we went to go contact a referral we received and he wasn't home. So we start driving down the road heading to our next appointment. Then I got the feeling that we needed to start tracting this road.
And I was like no.
And the Spirit was like yes.
And I was like no, it's too cold.
And He was like I don't care.
And I was like the houses are too far apart.
And He was like well I thought you wanted to lose weight.
And I was like I really don't want to.
And He was like I don't care.
And I was like NO!
And He was like just do it now already!
So I was like fine. "Sister Hoopes, I guess we are going tracting!"
So I pulled into the first dooryard (otherwise known as a driveway to the rest of the world) and I didn't even bring my bag with me cuz I just knew that no one was gonna let us in cuz no one ever lets us in.
Well we knocked.
Then a cute little old man named Waldo let us in.
We taught him the restoration and the Spirit was so strong in that lesson.

Slap slap to the face!

I told you so the, Spirit whispered to me, trust in God and stop arguing with me.
Ok I said. I'm sorry.
Guys, we really need to just trust God and we need to do what He asks us to do. He knows what is best and He will never lead us astray.
So lets take Nike's advice and just do it.

I love you all
Thanks for your love and support.
The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints it so true. I know it is. I have seen to many miracles to say that it's not. Plus I would never say that because it is.
Have a happy week and stay warm love bugs!
Sister Dickson

Monday, February 15, 2016

One door closes, another one opens

AHHHH!!! So much craziness is happening right now I just don't even know what to do with myself.

This whole week has been like just too amazing.

So I guess I will get to the good stuff. I'm not being transferred thank goodness.
But.. Sister Jensen is. Ahh!! No. Just no. Rip my heart out and feed it to the wolves why don't ya, President Stoker!

They have changed transfer calls. It used to be that we would get a call Saturday night and just know if we were being transferred or not. Then on Tuesday we would find out where and who we were going to. Now we get the call Saturday night and then Sunday we get to know where we are going and who we are going to be with.

I am debating whether or not to tell you all who my new companion is or if I should just wait until next week... Hmmm.. We will see how I feel about it later.

Tuesday we had our Book of Mormon study class that we teach with the Elders. Ashley finally came to it and I felt like she was teaching the class and not us. It's so cool to see  the gospel change her life for the better. We were busy all day Tuesday going from appointment to appointment. It was so cool!!

Wednesday at district meeting was like the saddest thing ever. Our whole district stayed together for two transfers and we have become like this big family. It's very unusual that a whole district stays the same for two transfers, but it happened! We all knew everyone was going to be all split up so we were all talking about memories and saying goodbye. Ah! It was so sad! It was like breaking up with 7 people all at the same time. We were signing each other's notebooks like it was the last day of school or something. Haha it was like High School Musical 3.. Mormon missionary edition.

Who would of thought that complete unknown strangers could become your family in such a short amount of time.

Thursday we did our usual service at the food cupboard. We got lots of pictures with everyone we volunteer with, don't worry I will send those pics! Hopefully. Then we went and had quesadillas at Charlene and Pauls. You see, Paul is from Arizona so they know what really Mexican food is, it was fabulous.

Friday it snowed like crazy!! We got some pretty cute pictures in the snow! Then in the afternoon we went and picked up Kyla, a member from our branch, who is 16. She came on a mini mission with us and it was so fun! She did great for just being thrown into mission life with no warning. Haha I didn't realize how strange our life style is until that mini mission. I didn't really pay attention to the fact that we literally pray 30-40 times a day and that we literally never stop going. Read scriptures for an hour, and go into complete strangers homes. We sing hymns all the time, even for fun and listen to MoTab. We make lame missionary jokes and talk about how to get people to come to church.

We are so weird.. It's AWESOME!
I never thought I would love being completely weird so much.

Saturday we went to the cow farm. I got to herd cows into the lines so they could be milked. I even had a cow-herding stick thing and everything. It was yellow.

Then the call came... The transfer call. I have a video of it. It might send it might not, wifi here in the middle of no where is pretty sketchy so sorry if it doesn't send.

Sunday was church. Obviously. Ashley came and bore her testimony. She read a poem she wrote about Christ. It was so so good!!! Bonus points to us! Woo! Then Sister Jensen went up and bore her testimony, it was so sweet and the Spirit was so strong. Even when a kid in the congregation was throwing up all over the place. Yeah.. You read me. It was a pretty eventful day at church.

Hmm.. I still don't know how I feel about telling you all about who my new companion is.. I'll keeping pondering on it.

So shout out to the Barger's right now, awhile back the sent me this little card that says the 10 golden rules of missionary work. I read it everyday and one of them is to never underestimate the power of goals backed by positive action. THIS IS SO TRUE.

A good example of that is the recent convert temple trip that we had a few weeks ago. We had a goal that was big and seemed pretty impossible. A 5 hour trip to the Boston temple is a huge sacrifice. It's an all day event and pretty pricey especially for some people here who are not in the best financial boat. But as we set our goal and made plans and worked with all of the members and put faith in God, it happened. And wonderful miracles happened from it. This extraordinary miracle was even mentioned in the Bangor stake presidency meeting where a general authority was present.

Pretty neat, huh?

What is something that you want? Set a goal, make plans and follow those plans positively and you will see miracles. "..but behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass.." (Alma 37:6) "But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible."(Matthew 19:26)
I know that this is true and I testify that to you as an official representative of the church and in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Nothing is ever too hard, or impossible. As long as it's good and full of faith in Christ, it is possible.

Oh man, do you feel the Spirit? I do! All of this is just so stinking cool!! Eeeep! I love it!

And I love you!

Well since I am feeling the Spirit and am in a super happy mood, I guess I will tell you who my new companion is. Her name is Sister Hoopes and she is coming her from Ellsworth, which was Sister Jensen's last area. She just got don't training last transfer and from what everyone tells me she is so fun! I sat by her last transfer at zone conference and got to know her a little bit. She is American but her family lives in Germany. So I am excited to see her. I am sad that Sister Jensen is going but she is going to love her new area. She will be in Cornish and her apartment is in New Hampshire and she has a mall in her area. So I know she will just be in heaven that lucky lucky lady. Oh yeah and guess what?!? Sister Bee is going to be her new Sister Training leader!! So that means I will be able to see all of them at zone conference in a few weeks!!! EEEEEP! It'll be so fun!!

All is well
Have a happy week
Bye!! 😘

🐶🐾Mush, baby Mush!🐾🐶

I have never thought that I would be able to check so many things off my bucket list while being on a mission.


But anyhow let's start from the beginning shall we..

Tuesday was fantastic!! It was zone interviews. So for all of you new folk out there a zone is like a big group of missionaries that serve in the same area. So we are the Bangor West zone. We all got together in Newport, Maine and had a zone meeting and had interviews with the Mission President, President Stoker. It was a hoot. We rode down to Newport with the Dover Elders and they did the sweetest thing! They texted us the night before and said that if we met them at their apartment early they would buy us Subway for lunch! Awwww! So grateful for such great Elders to serve with!

Wednesday was also wonderful. So there is a senior couple named Elder and Sister Adams who are over family history and temple work in our mission. They were offering more training on and so they came up and taught us more on how we can help our members and investigators feel the Spirit through family history work.

Thursday was very fun. We did our usual service at the food cupboard here in Milo. They got a huge order of food that day, so Sister Jensen and I got a really good arm work out carrying boxes of canned peaches and peas all over creation. Then we went over to a lady's house, who we know from the food cupboard, and helped her make a cute scrapbook page for her great grandson.

Friday we were so busy! It was awesome! We went over to the Picott's for dinner as usual and the fed us yummy spaghetti. The lesson we had with them was so awesome! We taught them the restoration again. The Spirit was sooo strong! I got all excited and giddy.

The gospel is true guys, so true!

Anywho... Saturday was SO STINKIN AWESOME! Oh my goodness! We got to volunteer at the dogsled races! It was the coolest thing ever. I wore two pairs of leggings, a shirt, and a big think sweatshirt, plus snow pants and my big coat. I looked like I weighed about 732 pounds. But I was nice and toasty warm. We went around to all the mushers and did the checklist thing to make sure they have everything that was required and we helped to align the dogs and walk (more like run) them to the starting line. The dogs were so excited they were like bouncing up and down and barking so loud because they couldn't wait to start running! It was really a once and a life time opportunity that I am so grateful I got to experience.  They also had like cute little puppies who would try and act like the grown up dogs, all ready to race. So cute!!

Sunday was wonderful. I just love the branch here and all the people in it! There is a girl in the branch who had her farewell on Sunday. She is going to California and oh my it was so fun watching her and she was like asking us for advice and such. It reminded me of when I was in the MTC 7 months ago... Wait.. Back up! 7 MONTHS?!?!?! WHAT!!!! I have been a missionary for seven months already. I'm like freaking out right now because I can't even believe it.

AHHHH! Time is going by too quickly I can't even handle it! Make it stop!!!

Ok, sorry for the interruption, but on Sunday we also went to Sister Calls house again. We stopped in just for a quick lesson but she ended up feeding us homemade corn chowder and butterscotch pudding. She was cracking jokes and making me laugh so hard! She is just so cute I can't even.. Then she shuffles to the back of her house saying she has something for us. The shuffles back to us with the cutest stationary kit I have ever seen that has a journal, sticky notes, thank you cards and a pen. It so cute and flowery and pink! She also wrote the sweetest note inside my journal. We were crying because it was just so perfect. I just love everybody here so stinking much!!!

It's time for your favorite time of the week!! Spiritual thought! Woo!
So I would like to start off by sharing an experience that is slightly funny and a little embarrassing. So a sweet lady in our branch let us borrow some ski pants she had to keep us warm for the dogsled races. So Friday night I tried on the pants and they didn't fit. So I was crying and being completely over dramatic. I didn't have any pants warm enough to wear so I was drop dead convinced that the next day I was going to freeze to death and die. While I lay in bed, accepting the fact that this was my last night here on earth and preparing myself for the treacherous and uncertain torture I would be facing the next day Sister Jensen came and oh so sweetly reminded me that God takes care of His children. Especially His missionaries.

Well do you know what guys? She was right. Because the next morning Charlene brought awesome and warm snow pants for me to wear that fit just right.

But what is even more awesome is that isn't the only tender mercy God has extended towards me. I could go on and on for hours and pages about every single miracle God has aloud me to witness. He has truly opened my eyes to see all of the good that He does. I love the scripture in the Book of Mormon that says "But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance." (1 Nephi 1:20)

But what is even cooler is that we choose if we are His chosen people. Many are called, few are chosen. He has so many miracles and blessing just waiting for us. And I know without a doubt that He can't wait to use them! But we need to let Him. We need to open our heart to Him and count our many blessings.

Tender mercies. Are you looking for them? I can promise you that as you look for them, God will help open your eyes to the beauty of the world and that will make you happier! Remember, there is always something to be grateful for.

I know I am so blessed and so grateful towards my Heavenly Father. I know this church is true and I know of the happiness and hope that it brings into people's lives. I love my Heavenly Father and my Savior so very much. I love this work that I am privileged to be apart of.

It's so cool.

I love you all
Have a happy day!
Sister Dickson

What Did I Ever Do To Be So Blessed?

Well I have been sitting here for a while trying to figure out how to start this letter.
Hmm.. Still thinking. Yeah I can't come up with anything witty or interesting.

My brain feels like mud! There is just so much goodness going around that my little head just can't wrap around the fact that this is actually happening to me. And because there is so much goodness and so many miracles happening satan is not to happy. That little bugger has been just working so hard trying to get Sister Jensen and I down. Trying to make us feel like we aren't good missionaries. But we know that's a lie.

Tuesday was such a blessing. That night we had a Book of Mormon study class that us and the Elders taught. It was really spiritually awesome! After the class we asked the Elders for a Priesthood blessing. We are really so blessed to have such great Elders, who are worthy priesthood holders, to serve with. I have such a strong testimony of the priesthood and how awesome it is! That blessing was exactly what I needed and I was reminded that God is aware of everything that is going on and that everything is going according to His plan. It will all be okay.

Wednesday we didn't have district meeting because there was a special world wide missionary broadcast that we got to watch. It was absolutely spectacular and I learned so much about how to be a better missionary for Heavenly Father. Then we had a lesson with Ashley and Sister Leeman came and brought pizza for us to eat. Guys, Sister Leeman is legit the most kind and Christlike person I have ever met. She knew Ashley was concerned because she didn't have any nice dresses to wear to church so Sister Leeman went and bought her a brand new dress! When Ashley opened it her eyes got so big, "Oh my goodness! It's so pretty!" That was a great lesson! Then later that night we got to witness the coolest thing ever. Paul and Tyler receiving the Aaronic Priesthood. The Spirit was way strong!

Thursday we did our usual service at the food cupboard at a Baptist church. The food cupboard is very similar to the bishops storehouse and I love volunteering there. I have had the opportunity to meet so many cool people! Again, I don't know what I did to deserve such a blessed life but I am so grateful.

Every Friday the Picott's feed us. I LOVE THE PICOTTS. They see the sweetest most sincere couple I have ever met. They have "the missionary bench" that we always sit at and on our bench was a cookbook for each of us. It was so sweet that they took the time to think of us and get us a cookbook. My heart just melted with happiness.

Saturday was the big day that everyone was looking forward to. The big recent convert temple trip. Sister Jensen had a very big spiritual prompting that we should make the HopeSmiths a lunch to take with them. So we woke up at 4:30 in the morning and made them lunches and then went over to their house to deliver them. We got there at around 5:30 and they were all dressed and about to leave when the father, Randy, saw the lunches and told us he was so worried because they didn't have food or money to take with them for lunch and dinner and that God answered his prayers.

The whole day Saturday I was singing in my head "I love to see the temple". 9 recent converts were able to go to the temple that day thanks to all of the wonderful members that made it possible.

The next day when we were talking to Paul and Charlene about the temple they talked about how great it was. The weather was good, they met so many nice friends, and they had the spiritual conformation that the family members they were baptized for had accepted the work that was done for them. Another really cool thing they said was that while they were in the temple all of their aches and pains were gone. Charlene's was really concerned about doing baptisms because it hurts her back, but while she was in the temple her back had no pain.

AHHHH!!! Guys, do you realize how cool that is?!?! God is so awesome!

Ashley was a church again, and was proudly wearing her new dress when sweet Sister Call came up and gave her a picture of Jesus and a picture of the temple. She beamed with excitement! In relief society everyone was just talking about how wonderful the temple is and we showed Ashely some pictures of the inside of the temple. Then Ashely just started crying and told us she wanted to go there so bad. She said she felt so overwhelmed with just the peace and the beauty that came from just looking at the temple.

Which leads right into our spiritual thought.
As we were driving back home to the barn Sunday night I just got the feeling of such overwhelming peace. I thought about all the wonderful people I have been able to meet and it struck me just how important this work is. There is a quote from the October 2015 general conference talk called The Joy of Living a ChristCentered Life. In here Elder Maynes says, "It wasn’t until my full-time mission as a young man that I realized the incredibly positive impact the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ has on those who have never previously experienced its blessings in their lives."
 I was so overwhelmed with the eternal significance my mission has. I felt silly for all the times I have never fully appreciated the gospel and the blessing that the knowledge of hope brought to my life. I was reading the January 2016 New Era one day when I came across this  story about missionary work that is so true,
"As a young man, I looked forward to the day when I would serve a full-time mission. When I finally entered the mission field, I discovered that missionary service was not what I had expected--it was better. It was harder than I thought, but the satisfaction that came from doing what the Lord asked of me was indescribable.
Never before had I experienced the joy of helping someone attend church. Never before had I felt the thrill of hearing someone say, “Sure, come on in” so that they could hear the restored gospel. Never before had I sensed the reality of the power that came as we declared repentance. Never before had I prayed with such real intent. Never before had an hour of scripture study gone by so fast. Never before had I been brought to tears by the realization of my imperfections. Never before had I experienced the devastation that comes with the words, “Elders, please don’t come by my house anymore.” Never before had I gotten a blister on my foot the size of my thumb. Never before had I felt so protected. Never before had I felt so much responsibility for my actions because I wore the name “Jesus Christ” on my chest.
Never before had I been so close to my Heavenly Father as I came to be during my full-time mission."

That is so true. I am so eternally grateful for the opportunity to serve a mission. I have learned and grown in so many ways!
This gospel is so true,
God is so real and He loves all of you so much.
I love you all!
Thanks for all of your love and support!

Sister Dickson